CleanBallast-OBS was approved by US Coast Guard
CleanBallast-OBS was approved by US Coast Guard! Congrats to the whole team! This certificate will allow us to serve customers that have honored us in the past by choosing our BWTS. RWO
CleanBallast-OBS was approved by US Coast Guard! Congrats to the whole team! This certificate will allow us to serve customers that have honored us in the past by choosing our BWTS. RWO
Soon to be certified by the USCG: RWO’s ballast water treatment system CleanBallast® Ocean Barrier System The compliant treatment of ballast water under the IMO and US Coast Guard (USCG)
ERMA FIRST acquires German marine water treatment specialists RWO Fast growing ballast water equipment manufacturer ERMA FIRST has acquired German marine water specialist RWO GmbH. Founded in 1975
RWO at SMM Digital 2021 The last year posed big challenges for all of us and many of those will continue in 2021. Nonetheless, we would like
CS-BIO now with RS-Class type approval Ship Owners and Ship Yards intended to build their vessels according RMRS "RS-Class" rules can now also benefit from RWO's Total Water Management
TMS Tankers Trials RWO's Clean Bilge Monitoring System Greek shipping company TMS Tankers is putting Bremen-based water specialists RWO's intelligent Clean Bilge Monitoring System through a three-month practical