Top Sellers

With more than 16.000 units sold, we are the leading provider of oily water separators.

Biological Sewage Treatment maximizing onboard space.

Bilge Water

With more than 16.000 units sold, we are the leading provider of oily water separators.

Discharge clean drains safe and efficient

Bilge Water Compliance monitoring system

Emulsion Splitting and Filtration Unit


Biological Sewage Treatment maximizing onboard space.

Advanced water purification and advanced wastewater treatment from RWO.

Vacuum maceration pump station for marine sewage treatment plants.

State-of-Art Galley Water Pretreatment

Fresh & Process water treatment

AccuRem copper removal and condensate reuse unit –
Economical reuse of AC condensate on cruise ships.

Safely treat on board water with chemicals

Mineralisation and De-Acidification for healthy, potable water.

Highly efficient pre-filtration for the removal of suspended particles.

Water softening for drinking and technical systems

Chemical free, high quality fresh water system

Ultraviolet Disinfection for a safe alternative to chemicals