RWO at SMM Digital 2021

The last year posed big challenges for all of us and many of those will continue in 2021. Nonetheless, we would like to share the news about our product lunches scheduled for this year. Tell us about your upcoming projects to see how our innovative, proven and futureproof technologies for maritime water treatment can support your goals.

RWO – High quality maritime water treatment Made in Germany

1.Bilge Water

With 16,000 installed oily water separators RWO is undoubtedly the world leading provider of bilge water treatment equipment. From small units for tug boats to large equipment for VLCCs in Clean Design notation, fulfilling 5 ppm requirements, RWO is always the first choice. The portfolio is complemented by the Bilge Economizer, a system to detect non-contaminated clean drains, the SFU system for pre-treatment of emulsions that are difficult to treat or the clean bilge monitor CBM+ to fulfil the reporting requirements of the oil majors.

2. Marine Sewage

RWO offers sewage treatment systems both for cargo and passenger vessels. The small CS-BIO is a biological treatment system with upt to 25% less space demand that is easy to handle and perfect for the crew of merchant cargo vessels. The CS-MBR in opposite fulfills the most stringent requirements of nutrient removal in special areas for passenger vessels.

3. Fresh Water

The reverse osmosis unit SRO-COM is the heart of RWOs portfolio for fresh water treatment. Pre-treatment systems like sand filters and post treatment like UV-disinfection systems or mineralizers are offered to complete the full drinking water packaged for your vessel.

4. Ballast Water

The experience from over 100 installed ballast water treatment systems led to CleanBallast® Ocean Barrier Systemthe next generation treatment system combines the benefit of superior disk filtration technology with the reliability of in-line electrochlorination. The robust design and simplicity of process reduces maintenance to a minimum, makes the system user friendly and keeps OPEX to a minimum.

5. Process Water

Reuse of water on board of ships keeps the costly freshwater generation to a minimum. RWO offers equipment  such as the ACCuRem system, specially designed to reuse AC-condensate. Dosing systems for chemicals or water softeners complete the total water management offering.

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